First Lady Evans

Lisa C. Evans is the First Lady of Bethlehem Baptist Church and an excellent helpmate to the Reverend Dr. Michael A. Evans, Sr., beloved pastor. A compassionate leader, Sister Evans isn’t afraid to push up her sleeves to assist any of the ministries integral to BBC and its members.
She has worked tirelessly with the youth and children at The Bethlehem Academy, Kidz Zone, and Vacation Bible School, to name but a few. In addition, she has taught in the Room Full of Sisters Ministry and is a strong supporter of the grief and bereavement groups at Bethlehem. A great encourager, standing steadfast with Pastor Evans, Sis. Evans is a tremendous ambassador of the church with a demonstrative admiration and respect for humanity, particularly members of the Bethlehem Baptist Church family. She does it all with dignity, grace, and a truly Christian spirit.
First Lady Evans received her Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Texas at Arlington. Like her husband, First Lady Evans believes everyone has something to give and you don’t have to look very far to find her on Sundays or Wednesdays! You need only look in the second row of the BBC Gymnatorium or Sammons Chapel, and there you will find her listening to and studying God’s Word. A regular fixture at altar call and in the prayer circle, First Lady Evans is very hands-on and leads quietly by example.
Sister Evans is a virtuous woman and an amazing mother to sons Michael “Tony” Evans, Jr. and Richard Isaac “Tiger” Evans. Many BBC members can testify she is also a devoted teacher, supporter, sister, and friend. As she ministers, she sows a seed. Then, after much faith and prayer, she pulls out the weeds. First Lady Lisa Evans is loving, dedicated, and hard-working. She is a shining beacon who helps to light our way and is an exemplary role model.